[CUBE] Somewhat OT: Airport questions

Hal kastegir at mac.com
Thu Jun 24 07:11:06 PDT 2004

On Jun 23, 2004, at 11:48 PM, david sarcastix wrote:

>>    With respect, speak for yourself, Kemosabe: our home broadband
>> provider is Comcat, who deliver 3 Mbps downloads quite reliably, in
>> our neighborhood at least.
>> Joe Gurman
> Mr. Gurman.. And what neighborhood might that be??
> I live in Upper Montclair, New Jersey, and I NEVER get more than 1.8 
> Mbps.
> So, like..ummm... WHAT GIVES??
I have Comcast cable modem service and also occasionally get close to 
3Mbps. The only problem is that the modem is crap and reboots 6-8 times 
per day and drops link when I'm trying to play online games...

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