Riba riba at hi.hinet.hr
Wed Mar 10 02:29:39 PST 2004

> I finally managed to do the upgrade using  borrowed Panther disks and 
> running disk tools, then repairing disk (that didn't do it) and 
> finally repairing permissions (what are these?)

Permissions are flags that set who can read/write/execute what. Since 
OS X, like nay unix, is a multiuser system, they are necessary. A 
pretty good introduction can be read here:

That being said, I've never got a satisfactory answer why the 
permissions go 'off' every so often on Mac OS X. It is not something 
that is supposed to just happen.

> Usually a bit of an Apple fan, I was not impressed. Usually proudly 
> virus free, what can I say when Apple offers its own bugs?

Everyone's got bugs, I haven't hit any big ones yet though.
So did you manage to solve the original problem or not?

> Any comments?

My comment?
OS 9 was really 'somethiing dfferent'. It was something compleely 
unlike anything else out there. While it was his big advantage, in the 
age of connectivity that has become also a big disadvantage. And now we 
are running just another flavor or UNIX, like it or not.
Personally it suits me, but this is nothing like the good old OS 9. :)

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