DNS timeout

John Labovitz johnl at johnlabovitz.com
Sat Mar 13 10:19:13 PST 2004

On Mar 13, 2004, at 9:18 AM, Joseph B. Gurman wrote:

>     Man Cubus wrote:
>> does any BSD guru knows how to increase the DNS timeout in Panther?
>> I get server not found errors too often. Retrying usually helps.
>     There's a tutorial at:
> 	http://www.macwrite.com/criticalmass/%20mac-os-x-hosts-panther.php

Or if you don't want to go through all that, a trick that used to work 
was to go into the TCP/IP pane of your Network system preference, and 
duplicate the IP addresses listed under "DNS Servers" so they are 
listed twice (or more).

That will fool the lookup mechanism into thinking that there are more 
servers to ask before timing out.

Note that this may cause other slowdowns elsewhere, but it's an easy 
thing to try.

John Labovitz Consulting, LLC
johnl at johnlabovitz.com
+1 503.949.3492

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