[CUBE] Base Fan: Who makes it/Where to get one?...

Fred Terry pfterry at netopia.com
Wed Mar 17 05:43:55 PST 2004

And here's a fan that you can use for method 2 explained on the blue Cube


You just don't have to add the connector to the fan yourself and you get a
soothing blue glow. ;-)


On 3/17/04 6:21 AM, "Luis Meleiro" <luis_meleiro at cilsp.com> wrote:

> Pep,
> Probably, this is will be helpful:
> < http://homepage.mac.com/tracer302/bluecube/PhotoAlbum24.html >
> < http://digilander.libero.it/MacCube/index.html >
> ;)
> LM
>>>> pep27 at mac.com - 2004/03/17 12:10 PM >>>
> I once saw a nice looking "Base Fan" made especially for the Cube, and
> I've heard people refer to it here and at Cubeowner, but I did a search
> over there without finding out who makes the darned thing or a picture
> of one... Anyone here got one?... If so, e-mail me a .jpg off-list with
> info as to where I can get one...
> Crud... I just knew that as soon as I upgraded ONE THING in this stupid
> Cube I'd be hooked! LOL!!!...
> Pep

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