Cube entertainment centre

meirion roscoe roscoe at
Fri Mar 12 12:32:22 PST 2004

I have been toying for some time now with buying an extra cube and 15" 
Apple LCD and using it purely to play MP3s, CDs, DVDs and internet 
radio in my living room.  I could bin my existing stereo and rig the 
whole thing up with a bluetooth keyboard and mouse/remote control.  I 
could use iTunes to play cool tunes via sound sticks/iSub (or maybe JBL 
Creatures, hmmm) and iPhoto to impress granny with shots of my little 
boys first pedal bike accident.

Can anyone think of any other uses in this role for an underused cube 
(that I can sell the idea to the Minister of Home affairs/wife)/
Would there be a need to upgrade any bits, maybe add an Airport Card?
Anyone done this already?

Thanks as always for your considerations


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