[Cube] New Giga 1.3 GHz fanless

David Lambourn David.Lambourn at blueyonder.co.uk
Thu Sep 30 02:17:02 PDT 2004

Hi Luis,

I fitted one last week.  I am very pleased with it.

My Cube had a 500Mhz chip.  The instructions were OK.  The procedure 
requires that you first upgrade the firmware.  A separate CD is 
supplied for this.

I had a self-inflicted problem with this stage - I still use my old SE 
keyboard through a Griffin iMate in preference to the standard USB 
keyboard - the firmware update does not happen properly with this KB 
but worked first time with the USB KB.

I have no thermometer to measure temperature accurately, but my 
subjective judgement is that, if anything, it runs cooler than the 
500MHz chip.  I concede that I might have a vested interest !

I see no reason not to recommend the chip - as I said. I am very 

All my software now runs natively in MacOSX, and for the odd occasion I 
am content to use Classic - so I have not bothered to run the OS9 
software boot patch, which comes with the CD.  For those wanting to 
boot regularly in OS9, there would appear to be no problems other than 
the certainty of losing the boot patch when Zapping PRAM - which means 
a reboot in OSX and re-running the patch before rebooting in 9.

Happy to answer any further questions.  Oh yes, you'll get a quality 
screwdriver ut of the deal!


On 30 Sep 2004, at 10:47, Luis Meleiro wrote:

Hi Listers,

Anyone here tried the new GigaDesigns 1.3 GHz fanless CPU for Cubes!?

< http://www.gigadesigns.com/productsM71213CN.html >

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