[Cube] firmware problem

Joost van de Griek jvdg at jvdg.com
Thu Feb 3 13:28:58 PST 2005

On 2005-02-03 22:20, Bruce Carr wrote:

> Does
> anyone have access to an FTP site that one could just leave a disk image on
> and certain individuals can fetch a large file from?

Yeah, I can take care of that easily. If someone has a .dmg or .toast of the
Cube Hardware Test CD, contact me and I'll be happy to host it for the

Like delicate lace, so the threads intertwine,
Oh, gossamer web of wond'rous design!
Such beauty and grace wild nature produces,
Ughh, look at the spider suck out that bug's juices!
 - Calvin
Joost van de Griek

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