[Cube] Mac mini-- 1 GB memory upgrade = US$425 !!!

phoenix phoenix at cybernothing.org
Wed Jan 12 20:26:40 PST 2005

Quoth Sean Terrill :

> Quoth phoenix (phoenix at cybernothing.org) at 12/01/2005 21:45:
>>     This begs a question I don't think I've seen yet: Has anyone tried using
>> a USB antenna (Linksys, for instance) with the Cube? It would seem a rather
>> quick and easy means of getting 802.11g to work... Unless, that is, it
>> doesn't. :)
> You could but there would be no point since USB 1.1 tops out at 12 Mbps and
> 802.11g is 54 Mbps.

    Even so -- for anyone who doesn't have Airport pocket change laying
around (they're suddenly quite damn expensive), it'd be a cheap alternative.
I had to consider that myself, recently... Luckily I found a friend with a
used Airport card to sell.

    Besides, unless you're tossing gigs of data back and forth between your
own machines (most users don't -- they just email and surf), 11g is
overkill. Plain ol' dull boring 11b seems to work just fine for the vast

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