[Cube] Mac mini-- 1 GB memory upgrade = US$425 !!!

Victor Orly victor at orly.com
Thu Jan 13 08:03:03 PST 2005

You can get a 1 GB DDR PC2700 333MHz non-ECC from datamem.com for $199.
Part # DM50 610.


Victor Orly
E-Mail: victor at orly dot com

>He was including Applecare.
>On Thu, 13 Jan 2005, Joseph B. Gurman wrote:
>>    Steve Goldstein wrote:
>>> Holy silicon!  Talk about grabbing you by the short hairs!  I mean,
>>> c'mon, Apple, get real!
>>> So, the price of the faster, bigger HD mini with Super Drive,
>>> wireless (Airport Extreme card) + Bluetooth and AppleCare = US$1402.
>>> Arghhh!  (and they say that memory upgrade can only be done by Apple
>>> or an authorized repair shop)--almost 3 x the price of the base
>>> machine.
>>> BTW, they do not tell you if the older Airport cards will work with
>>> the mini (in case you really do not need Extreme).  Gotta wait for
>>> more info on the net.
>>    Where did you get that??
>>    According to the Apple Store (US) online:
>>> * 256MB DDR333 SDRAM - 1 DIMM
>>> * 80GB Ultra ATA drive
>>> * SuperDrive
>>> * Internal Bluetooth + AirPort Extreme Card
>>> * 56K v.92 Modem
>>> * Mac OS X - U.S. English
>>> * 1.25GHz PowerPC G4
>>> Estimated Ship:
>>> 3-4 weeks
>>> Free Shipping
>>> Subtotal $778.00
>>    With the !Gbyte memory, it's $1203, but who ever bought memory from 
>> Apple? The 1 Gbyte DDR 333 DIMM is $210 - $235 most places. And cheapie PC 
>> sellers do the same thing, usually selling the  low end boxes with
>> memory to keep the price point down.
>> -- 
>> "I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they go by."
>>                                                            - Douglas
>> 1952 - 2001
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