[Cube] ipod help - FYI

Allan Hise allan at hise.org
Thu Jan 20 22:44:28 PST 2005

Your experience is interesting, because I take my iPod, linked to my cube,
on the road with me and my iBook, and iTunes doesn't exit when I click
'No' on the iBook.  I wonder what the difference is? Generation of the
iPod (mine is and old skool 1G)? Synch method (Auto by playlist or manual
for me). Mine is also set to mount on the desktop. I wonder if that

BTW, I'd just copy the files off with terminal, rather than scrounge for
some program that does the same thing...


On Thu, 20 Jan 2005, George Pepper wrote:

>  My experience has been that NONE of those programs work.
> The computer always asks if you want to sync the iPod to the computer
> with the empty iTunes library.  If you answer "no", the programs exit.
> If you answer "yes", of course, you end up erasing the iPod.  I don't
> know anyone who has gotten around that.

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