[Cube] Fixing some cubes

John Guy john at curl.org.uk
Fri Jan 13 04:17:34 PST 2006

On 13/1/06 12:15 pm, "Stuart Douglas" <stuart at groovychocolate.com> wrote:

> Hi
> I have three non-working cubes in my garage - they all seem to have dead
> hard drives and two of them won't even boot from CD (one also has a sort of
> crack across the top of the case).
> I don't know much about cube hardware, but I quite fancy getting them
> working again.  Can anyone point me to places where i can buy hard drives
> and cd-rom that will fit a G4 Cube (in the UK for preference) and also a
> site that explains how to replace the faulty parts as the inside of the cube
> *really* doesn't look like the PC interior I'm used to :)
> Best wishes
> Stuart
Where in the uk are you?

Email me offline at head.hunter at mac .com

Have rebuilt my cube on several occasions


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