[Cube] Cube for sale

Da Pen macstonelson at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 28 21:08:41 PDT 2007


Did you come to a conclusion about what your asking
price would be?  Have you already sold your Cube?  I
noticed a question about the specs.  If not sold, what
are the specs and do you have OS software with disks,

Thanks. Dave

--- Melvin Reisz/Summerwind Jewelers <mreisz at mac.com>

> I have an original cube for sale. I have original
> box and 15 inch LCD monitor. Since I respect this
> list, I am asking what a fair price is. It is in
> absolute perfect condition. Located in Portsmouth
> NH, 1 hour north of Boston. It has had very light
> use in a jewelry store storing and printing out
> jewelry photos for appraisals. We use multiple imacs
> now with intel processors running Parallels desktop
> and Mac os. Thanks for the advice. Melvin Reisz
> mreisz at mac.com
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