[Cube] upgrade

Mike Gilpin mike at gilpinhome.net
Fri Jan 9 12:30:12 PST 2009

Yeah, the prices for upgrades at OWC are probably twice what you paid for
your entire cube!

Maxing out the memory is much cheaper, and reports are that it helps. I have
some ordered right now for my cube.

If you're daring enough you can replace the graphics card with a better one
(either Mac-specific or flashed PC one), and you'll see a better GUI
performance using OS X.  Leopard especially relies heavily on GPU for a lot
of processing.

Occasionally you can find used upgrade cards on eBay, but they are rare.


On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 8:42 AM, Vic Mabus <vmabus at gmail.com> wrote:

> I've recently acquired a Cube (woohoo!) and would like to upgrade the
> processor.  The only place I've found is OWC, but they have only a couple
> choices.  Any suggestions for other places to buy (new or used)?
> Thanx,
> V Mabus
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