[Dashboard] So which 3rd party Dashboards most impress you?

Robert Ameeti Robert at Ameeti.net
Wed May 4 06:51:54 PDT 2005

At 9:40 AM -0400, 5/4/05, verduron wrote:

>On May 4, 2005, at 9:28 AM, Robert Ameeti wrote:
>>What new Dashboards do you think will change your life?  :-)

>Robert, is Dashboard one of the reasons I should move to Tiger?

Not unless you felt that you couldn't live without Konfabulator.

Personally, I think it has potential but it will take some creative 
geniuses to figure out some 'gotta have' gadgets to make it fly. It 
may in fact be completely different from what it is today. See 
<http://www.mesadynamics.com/amnesty.htm> for a company that has 
removed the most serious limitation that I was having with Gadgets. 
They put Gadgets on the same plane as other applications. I think 
this makes much more sense than having them on their own layer. And 
I'm going to bet that Apple might just agree and offer this as a user 
choice perhaps.

As for the Tiger question, things like Spotlight are more valuable 
for most people. But the bottom line is that the cumulative benefit 
of all the ~200 improvements is what makes Tiger worthwhile. It is 
not the one or two supposed gotta haves but all the little things 
that make the Mac so great to use.

Robert Ameeti

Joy is not in things, it is in us.

- Jess Lair

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