*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro* On Saturday, June 28, 2003, at 02:10 PM, Mike Flynn wrote: > Hi Shirley, > > One last question. I was looking for a cable that would connect the > TRV-340 with the Mac and the only connections I see iDV, USB, and > S-Video. I search through the Manual and there was no mention of > firewire. The connection of the iDV was called i.link. Is that just > another way of saying firewire? > > Regard,Mike > I'm not Shirley but i.link is Sony's version of Firewire. <http://www.1394ta.org/> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Erik Gilchrist 973.462.8513 _NEW_ 973.568.0817 -old- mailto:erikgil at metagrafix.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ d e s i g n . d e v e l o p . d e l i v e r :::::::: http://www.metagrafix.com :::::::: http://www.metagrafix.com/2003/ (New look for 2003?) :::::::: http://www.erikgilchrist.com :::::::: http://www.kaitlyngilchrist.com