(No Subject)

Thoma W Mattox twmattox at lycos.com
Mon Dec 2 07:34:06 PST 2002

Hello.  To begin, I am contacting the list regarding a piece of hardware commonly used with a Duo (not regarding a Duo itself).

I am trying to locate a cable for a Sony PRD-250 portable SCSI CD-rom Drive.  I have a cable that is HDI-30 on one end and hooks into the drive on the other end I am not sure what the connector is(I have been told it is Sony propritary and have also been told it may be a form of mini-din).  However, I am looking for a cable that is DB-25 instead of HDI-30.  

Does anyone know what type of connector this is that hooks into the drive?  Is it a form of mini-din?  

Does anyone have the cable I am looking for?  Want to sell?  Possibly want to trade?

Finally, I was interested in what drivers you use for the drive.  My disks have become fried recently.


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