cleaning permanent marker off of a duo

Stephen Kenda sk at
Mon Dec 9 13:03:24 PST 2002


The response from people on this list to my question on how to erase
permanent marker off of a duo casing gave much food for thought and i
decided to take another run at cleaning off the writing on the outside
back of the display case. This time I suceeded.

Before I had tried to wipe the marks off with 99% isopropyl alcohol
using a toothbrush, cotton swab and  a cloth. This got the marks to fade
but not disappear. I decided to use significantly more elbow grease.
The area in question was one by three inches. It had  marker writing on
it. I took the back of the display case off of the duo. I put a rubber
glove on my hand. I dipped a cotton swab in the alcohol. With the side
of the cotton swab sandwiched between the display case and my thumb, i
vigourously rubbed the marked area. This would leave a bit of marker on
the swab. About ten to fifteen two-ended swabs later, I could not detect
any permanent marker on the case. The side effect is that the texture of
the  duo casing in the one by three inch area was removed leaving a
shiny smooth area. But that's fine with me. It looks infinitely better
than with the marker on it.

So I must thank you the many people who offered suggestions, insights,
and words of experience on erasing permanent marker. It gave me the
encouragement to get the job done.


stephen kenda

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