PowerBook Duo 270c HD problem

ELN/rlf9 rlf9 at earthlink.net
Tue Nov 26 20:12:41 PST 2002

Duo/2400 List wrote...

>Subject: [Duo2400] PowerBook Duo 270c HD problem
>From: Reverend Darkness <rev_darkness at ev1.net>
>Message-ID: <BA07C430.6813%rev_darkness at ev1.net>
>I have rescued a Duo 270c from being thrown out, and was excited to have
>this little thing.  I was going to start from scratch with a format and
>clean install of OS 7.6.1, but have only gotten half way there...
>When I ran the Apple HD SC Setup, I was able to start an Initialization.
>The init runs fine, but I always get an error on "Verifying format", and now
>it doesn't even recognize the hard disk!
>I am a "newbie" to old Mac stuff, as the first Mac I ever worked on was a
>PowerBook G3 Lombard.
>Any ideas?  Anyone?
Use Drive Setup from 7.6 or 7.6.1 instead of HD SC Setup. The latter is 
for much older systems and that may be the cause of your problem, far as 
I can tell. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong here.

Bob F

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