[Duo2400] Re: somewhat OT: ISP recommendation?

Brandy brandybndr at netscape.net
Thu Jul 10 11:47:39 PDT 2003

Hehehehe that's why you bill the client!  :-)  It's a part of what's 
called Expenses!

Parkblue at gmx.net wrote:

>My circumstances are somewhat different I suppose: when in Munich I'm in my
>own place and normally stay there for four to six weeks at a time. The AOL
>int'l access hourly surcharge - $6 per hour on top of my monthly fee - is
>way too pricey. At first I opened German AOL accounts everytime I went, but
>that got old quickly. But for sheer int'l coverage with access nodes AOL is
>probably one of the better ones.

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