Duo internal modem VS DuoDock modem?

Greg M pailface88 at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 17 21:30:50 PDT 2003

> Looking at the service manuals, I see that the illustration of the
> parts
> in question is not the same -- the internal modem (Apple's, anyway)
> has
> its connector all along its side, whereas the Dock "modem" has a much
> narrower connector to the Dock logic board. The Dock "modem" is also
> much
> thinner from side to side than the int. modem.

Guys,  the duo dock does NOT have a modem in it. How could it? What if
you had a Global Village 19.4k modem in your 280c and put it in the
dock. What modem would it have? It would have the Global Village modem.
Apple's specs say that the duo dock has a "pass through" connection
from its RJ-11 jack to any modem that may exist in the actual duo. This
is very basic Duo/Duo Dock stuff!!!

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