Duo 280 darkening screens

Dan K macdan at comcast.net
Fri Jul 25 21:07:36 PDT 2003

Mad Dog wrote:
>I think the corners are getting "stuck" and not relaxing back into 
>transparency.  I dont recal seeing old images.  My next wild guess is 
>to replace several capacitors on the LCD power board and see if that 

I know it ain't the backlight, and I seriously doubt it's the power 
board's electronics. Based on everything I've read about this so far, the 
best explanation was the edges of the screen somehow become porous or 
'leak', allowing in water and/or oxygen which degrade the crystal. One 
reaason I suppose to take seriously the admonition to not spritz an LCD 
screen with a spray of glass cleaner.

If it helps any, you're correct in that most TFT screens are normally 
white (clear) and darken only when energy is applied.

I wonder if resealing the edges would help at all? I'd imagine completely 
'dehumidifing' it first though would be a good idea, perhaps in a vacuum 
chamber or something. No, I don't have a vacuum chamber, I'm just 
thinking here! :-)

I think the only way to settle this for good is to locate an LCD 
expert(s) and ask them. A little Googling ought to turn up some of the 
big names in the world of LCD research and expertise.

Dan K


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