[Duo2400] Duo and battery

Paul Nelson artworks at victoria.tc.ca
Sun Mar 2 08:19:05 PST 2003

At 7:26 AM -0600 3/2/03, Philip Mrozinski wrote:
>I've been having some recent problems with a 280c. It won't boot while
>inserted in my Dock anymore (my 2300c works fine in the Dock), won't
>boot with a battery inserted (a known good one), won't boot with
>battery installed and AC adapter plugged in, will boot and work
>perfectly if I remove battery and just use the adapter. Not a huge deal
>because I don't take it on the road anymore and rarely use the Dock. I
>guess I was wondering if the logic board or something else is starting
>to go. This little guy has been a good and loyal friend over the years
>and I'm not ready to put him down yet.
>Thanks for any input.

	How about the PRAM battery?  Not hard to replace (at least compared
to a 540c), and the symptoms DO sound similar.

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