Tricking a 2400

Sidney Ho SKYHO at
Wed May 7 14:42:10 PDT 2003

OK, another quick suggestion (for a little more elegant w/reversible
"engineering" solution) before I sign off for a while.

If you can, remove the top track pad cover. Be careful not to snap the
ribbon cable. Turn it over and severely depress (deform) the metal tab by
bending it or pulling it away from the plastic cover about 1/3 of the way
along its length. IIRC the actuating arm has to remain near horizontal
closer to its fixed point.  The part that contacts the LCD cover latch
should be far enough away to no longer electro-mechanically act as a switch
when contacted by the white (loop) part. I'm not traveling w/my 2400 and
won't answer this matter further but any clever mechanic will immediately
understand what I'm talking about. Alternatively, if sleep is insensitive,
the reverse operation will improve sleep sensitivity. (Just open/close the
pivot angle to achieve the desired effect.)

> Subject: [Duo2400] Re: Tricking a 2400
> Date: Wed, 7 May 2003 05:20:15 -0400
> From: Ivan Drucker <ivanxqz at>
> Actually, this is kind of an ugly kludge, but: I had a 2400 that I
> dropped once, and the part of the latch that descends into the hold and
> made the computer go to sleep broke off. Thus, I always had to sleep it
> manually, but it was never really a big deal -- the hinge was strong
> enough to keep the machine fully closed when it was closed, and it kind
> of had that first-generation iBook feel -- no latch, which I kind of
> enjoyed. Just flip it open and wake it up.
> Anyway, I don't really advise intentionally breaking off your latch, but
> it would probably do what you want.
> Ivan.
> ----------------
>> Dear Gurus,
>> I use my 2400 as an MP3 player in the car. Works fine except I must
>> keep the lid open or it goes to sleep. Not good for lid.
>> One Guru suggested I disable the switch but (a) sometimes I want
>> that function and (b) I'm scared to death to do anything with the 2400's
>> "sleep".
>> Can I plug in a monitor adapter
>> and fool the
>> machine into thinking there's a monitor attached? If that doesn't fool it
>> can I short some pins and fool it? Which ones?
>> Donald McCaig
>> Donald McCaig
>> Yucatec Farm
>> Williamsville, Virginia
>> 24487

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