[Duo2400] Re: 2300c screen on 280

Gregg Eshelman g_alan_e at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 13 23:37:59 PDT 2003

--- "Ernesto A. Forcadilla" <forca at look.ca> wrote:
> Hi Andrew (ElBrio at aol.com),
> I would like to buy your PB2300c logic board and a
> video card for 
> PB280c LCD screen, if you have it. Please provide to
> me the costs 
> including UPS shipping from your place to Toronto,
> Canada.

The Duos don't have a "video card". Any Duo that
was available in both mono and color, the same main
board supports both types of screen. The Duo 2300
main board supports ALL previous Duo screens plus
the one that came with a factory built 2300.

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