>Hi listers, > >My 2300c is no longer running off the (fully charged) battery, even though it >DOES see and charge(!) the battery. When it is up and running, I see the >battery charging via the control strip and the superclock indicators. When I >remove the battery, it says no battery. When I insert it, it sees >it... it just >Will Not Run Off Of It! > >I have tried resetting the power manager chip AND resetting the code for it >also (disconnecting all power sources for 10 minutes..). I know the battery is >good; it is new AND it powers a test Duo I have just fine. > >I think the PRAM is dead also; if that can cause what I am experiencing, it >would be news 2 me... > >Help please, > >Craig W. I have this same very problem. From my experience, I think this is Duo Battery Voodoo. I have several batteries that I know are good (from previous use and conditioning). however, I cant get one of my Duos to run off of any of them right now. My PRAM charge is good. I think you sometimes have to get the duo and battery "familiar" with each other. Try this: with the battery in, put the duo to sleep. Then remove the AC and see if the battery can wake the unit up. Try several times. or Try Battery Recondition. If it doesnt work at first (crashes machine) do it again. And again. Between the recondition and teh sleep trick, you should be able to get the battery back in order. Having a Lind Supercharger2 also helps. It can help whip batteries back into shape. Mad Dog