Claris Emailer & SMTP Authentication

JosephC22 at JosephC22 at
Sat May 1 04:56:59 PDT 2004

FYI, there is an excellent Claris Emailer discussion list available at

The community is both active and knowledgeable -- you might want to give 
it a try.

DuoList at on 4/30/04 8:12 AM wrote:

>Message-ID: <20040430015534.1310.qmail at>
>Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004 18:55:34 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Jack Corcoran <jkcorcor at>
>Subject: Claris Emailer & SMTP Authentication
>Hi Gang!
>I have recently upgraded to Verizon DSL and can now
>only send e-mail by authenticating SMTP to the
>outgoing mail server.  Alas, my favorite mail program,
>Claris EMailer 2.0 doesn't support SMTP
>I downloaded Baton Mail, which acts as a relay from
>EMailer to the SMTP server and provides the
>authentication, but now my system hangs every time I
>try to send an email with attachments of more than a
>few hundred KB.
>I've tried updating Baton Mail and finding an update
>for Claris from 2.0 to 2.0v3 (which I am not sure will
>help, but why not try), but it seems you can only go
>from Claris 2.0v1 to 2.0v3 . . . and I can't find
>2.0v1 anywhere.

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