[DuoList] Re: Where to look for a G3 upgrade for 2400?

Lisa & Tom P gionpeters at comcast.net
Sat Aug 27 09:44:16 PDT 2005

>Bad news though.  I left the powerbook plugged in while I was 
>connecting the display to test the processor (wanted to make sure it 
>finished booting, as I have a quiet drive).  I connected the left 
>cable from the display, and accidently shorted the power pins, 
>booting the machine.  Turned it off, connected the 2nd plug, booted, 
>red tinted video (booo).  I have another display, so I swapped to 
>make sure I didn't just tear the cable, same thing.  Visual 
>inspection of the plugs shows nothing in the way and no screwed up 
>Zapped nvram and pram - no luck
>Connected external VGA display - looks fine, LCD is turned off, of course.

So the external doesnt have a red tint, while the LCD does.  If so, 
the chipset and VRAM is probably fine, maybe the cable or LCD is bad.

>Anyone run into this before?  I'm going to check fuses and such 
>tomorrow, and if all else fails, I DO have another logic board I can 
>put in there, just not in the mood to do it tonight.

Check the fuses, but I have my doubts that is the problem.

>Plus, my G3s work.  Minus, I cooked something else.  Of all the stupid luck...
>On another note, what do any Newer G3 upgrade users recommend to 
>keep an eye on temps, and what are good/bad temps for it?

I put a thin copper shim beneath the aluminum heat block.

Mad Dog

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