[DuoList] (no subject)

Rich Bussone rich at daniellefineart.com
Tue Oct 9 15:24:35 PDT 2007

I tried both options, but I can't seem to transfer the files to the  
power mac. I have system 8.0 and the download for Apple share client  
3.8 allows downloading all at once or in parts.  I am downloading  
them on my iMac.  If I burn a CD the power mac can't read it.  If I  
download the floppys they are 1.4mb. They fit on the floppys if they  
are in dos format, but they won't open on the power mac.  if I  
convert them to Mac OS Standard there is only 1.2mb available and the  
information won't fit.  What am I missing here?


On Sat, 22 Sep 2007  Jeff Mendoza" <jefflmendoza at gmail.com>

You could always download the System 7.5.3 disks. Read more here:

On 9/22/07, Clark Martin <cmmac at sonic.net> wrote:

> At 1:32 PM -0400 9/22/07, Rich Bussone wrote:
>> The only o/s install disks I have are in CD's.  I only have a floppy
>> drive on the duo dock.  I do have a Power pc 6100/60 AV that I am
>> also planning to donate with an external SCSI drive, but I don't
>> have a notebook SCSI cable. I do have a duo dock and ethernet, but
>> neither the Power PC or the duo will connect. I don't recall the
>> exact error message but it said that somehow that the system was not
>> compatible with the ethernet. I think they are running on system 8
>> and the newer computers are on system 10.4.  Is there some way I can
>> make them compatable?
> It's likely you need to updated the AFP driver:
> <http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=58523>
> It's for OS 8.1 and up but has notes about other versions.
> --
> Clark Martin
> Redwood City, CA, USA
> Macintosh / Internet Consulting
> "I'm a designated driver on the Information Super Highway"

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