[DuoList] Selling two PB 2400s, one G3-240, one GLODded

Clemens P.B. Hladek Clemenseken at t-online.de
Wed Dec 3 00:46:09 PST 2008

Sad as it is, I no longer use my PB2400 very much.

I own two PB-2400s:

1) G3 240
    Booting with MacOS 8.6/9.2/ (X 10.2 - very slow)
    80 MB RAM
    Display skips color now and then (if held at most angles)

2) GLODded PPC 180
    Broken touch pad connector cable
    Display was allright, I am sure.

Also: USB-Card and others
       An original Apple external CD-Drive
       (important for installing OS X)
       Some more devices (e.g. two floppy drives)

Anyone interested please send me a price offer (privately?).
(I will certainly NOT consider any offers of less than 300 euro, about 
400 $.)

Thank you all,  Clemens!

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