[1394] Re: FireWire drive likes G3s, hates G4s

Kevin Ready kevin at planetkevin.com
Thu Apr 3 07:33:49 PST 2003

I've had problems with various OSX flavors booting off an external FW
drive, but not in recognizing the drive itself. I imagine you've already
tried plugging in the cable before and after rebooting? Have you tried
starting up in 9.2? Tried entering "Madlogix driver OSX" in google?

good luck,


Mike Pickard wrote:
> My Madlogix external Firewire drive mounts fine on my G3 B&W at home
> and an iBook at a local Apple Store.  But it doesn't show up at all
> on my Powerbook G4 12" or the store's desktop G4.  The difference
> seems to be the processor chip and/or the support chips in these
> machines.  Every one was running OS X 10.2.3 or.4.
> Has anyone come across a Firewire drive whose bridge card is CPU chip
> sensitive?
> Madlogix has disappeared from the Yahoo Mall or I'd ask them some
> questions.  Anybody with a Madlogix drive having better luck?
> Thanks for your assistance.
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