[1394] Capture iPhoto from FireWire DV camera???

Ben Ing vbing at mac.com
Tue Sep 2 20:20:17 PDT 2003

Sorry for the long overdue reply .. just catching up now ....

The answer is NO! According to the Apple website for iChat, DV devices 
are only supported by G4 processors. In order to get video working in 
iChat AV with an iBook (G3), you can only use the iSight.

Empirically, I can confirm this. My Sony MiniDV works great with my 
Cube, but I only get sound with my iBook.

On Wednesday, August 20, 2003, at 02:11 PM, Chuck Britton wrote:

> Can it be done? If so, how?
> iBook, OS-X, twin usb + Canon ZR DVcamcorder.

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