[FW] Firewire Problem with 10.4.3

Pat Chefalo pachef at frontiernet.net
Tue Dec 13 21:31:45 PST 2005

I have had this problem on other Mac operating systems running on my G4.

I was able to mount the Firewire drives by shutting down the system and 
all the peripherals, unplugging the Firewire cable on the affected 
Firewire drive, then powering up the system and the affected Firewire 
drive and then plugging in the Firewire cable to the affected Firewire 
drive. This has always worked for me.

Pat Chefalo
pachef at frontiernet.net

On Dec 13, 2005, at 8:42 PM, Mosley, Kim wrote:

> I have a G4. My firewire port works fine when I start up from one of 
> my two
> harddrives (10.2.8) but not from the other one (which is the one I 
> want to
> be using (10.4.3). It did work before I upgraded from 10.4.2.
> Any ideas?
> Kim
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