[FW] Installing minimal Tiger on iPod

Rick Castillo casti020 at umn.edu
Tue Jan 17 12:22:26 PST 2006


If you don't have another HD to work from then the iPod is a handy place 
to do this on.  I've heard a lot of people say that they wouldn't want 
to run software off of an iPod because it is only designed to spin for a 
few seconds when it needs to access the next song.  This is just a 
misunderstanding of how HDs work.  The iPod is a Hard Drive it will last 
as long as any external HD regarless of its intended main purpose as a 
music box.

The Tiger OS CD has a custom install button and you can eleminate all 
components that you don't want to install on the iPod, but a full 
install only takes about 3GB (per apple support page) and on my 40GB 3rd 
Gen iPod that's not very much space at all. 

Easy install installs all the software... Click Customize and you can 
unclick specific components.  The Essential System Software line shows 
only 875 MB and can not be deselected.

However, the iPod will freakout occassionally and you will have to do a 
reset, this kills all data on it.  So don't use it for your only data 
back up.  Installing the OS on the iPod will not cause an iPod freakout 
iPods just freak every once in while.  At least once a year.

I do a lot of data transfers from my iPod and like to burn CD/DVDs using 
the iPod as the data source.  It seems to go faster than when I use my 
internal HD as the data source.  I've been using my iPod as a part-time 
hard drive for over 3 years now and it hasn't hurt it at all.


Raymond P Reedy wrote:

> Is it worth the effort to install a minimal Tiger OS and a few  
> utilities on the iPod? How much space (approx) would I need on the iPod?
> If so, anyone have a procedure to minimize the OS and Applications  
> that get installed?
> Just want to boot and run Disk Utility and Disk Warrior.
> Raymond P Reedy
> popreedy at comcast.net
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