[G4] keyboard question

Joseph B. Gurman gurman at gsfc.nasa.gov
Sat Aug 2 08:45:54 PDT 2003

     John Wilson wrote:

>I've read (SmallDog TechTales) that the new Apple keyboards are 
>sometimes problematic. Does anyone know if these are the same 
>keyboards that came with the MDD 867's last fall or are they a 
>redesign? Which keyboard will come with the new MDD 1.25 DP I just 
>ordered? Also, where can one get a picture of the new keyboards? 
>Thanks, John

     No, they're not: last year's original MDD's came with the 
black-keys-on-clear-base Apple Pro Keyboard (or at least my dual 1 
GHz did); the current models come with the white-on-clear Apple 
Keyboard, which I believe was first offered on the iMac G4.

     You can get an end-on image of the keyboard at the Apple Store 
(under, paradoxically, "Third Part Peripherals -> Input devices), but 
the best view is toward the end of the "blown away" TV ad for the G5:

	http://www.apple.com/hardware/ads/g5/ .

(Caution: There are several unrealistic features in this video, 
foremost among them being how such a loser could have such a babe in 
his kitchen, and how he could have a G5 with no sound system 
[preferably optically cabled] connected to it. Given those glaring 
inaccuracies, there may be something suspect about the representation 
of the keyboard, too.)

						Joe Gurman
"I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they go by."
                                                             - Douglas 
Adams, 1952 - 2001

Joseph B. Gurman, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Solar Physics
Branch, Greenbelt MD 20771 USA

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