[G4] Max Usable RAM for G4-450 AGP

Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Sun Aug 10 17:20:59 PDT 2003

No that Mac can't see more than 256 each (I think).

kunga10 (AIM)
kunga47 (Yahoo Messenger with Cross-Platform dial-up Video sans audio 
on Macs)

On Sunday, August 10, 2003, at 04:24  PM, Richard Kriss wrote:

> I have 1024 installed (4 x 256K DIMM) and wonder if there is any 
> reason to
> consider replacing some of the 256's with 512's or even 1 GB's that are
> being offered on the local market.
> This old 1999 version G4 would probably barf on a 1 GB memory stick.

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