[G4] New Internal Hardrive for G4 350mghz Sawtooth?

fdutra1 at attbi.com fdutra1 at attbi.com
Tue Aug 12 08:43:31 PDT 2003

Sounds very similar to a problem (squeaky HD with SPOD and long waits 
with certain apps) I had with with the original 30 gb Deathstar HD in 
my G4 dual 450 Gigabit Ethernet. It finally hung (squeaks & the spod) 
on Photoshop or Netscape and wouldn't boot. I was able to quit out 
from the original 9.0 disk and managed to swap all the data to a new 
40 gb disk mounted internally as slave. After running Techtool Pro on 
the bad drive and finding corrupt directory files, I reformatted and 
have been using it for backup ever since with no problem, and the 
squeaks that had been freaking me out since day one are gone too.


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