[G4] Broadband Speed Liar's Poker

sr ferenczy srf7425 at rit.edu
Sat Dec 13 14:18:59 PST 2003

no time for television here. i have now had DSL from verizon, 
roadrunner (cable) from time warner, and cable from comcast. each 
service was comprable (all 1.5 Mbps or 2 Mbps) and had no problems with 
any. verizon just won on the sub-$30 price.

perhaps the fact that there is no large companies on my node (CO) 
helps, its all residential, recently upgraded at that, so bandwidth is 
plentiful back at the central office.

heck, i even ran system 7.1 on all of them-everything goes through my 
router, so it didnt matter what operating system verizon, et al, 
"liked" or "didnt like"


On Dec 13, 2003, at 5:14 PM, James Asherman wrote:

>  WAtch  TV too and it's cheaper. I need Nickelodeon anyway.
> J

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