[G4] Connecting to a PC

Eric Volker ebv1 at charter.net
Sat Dec 13 21:53:03 PST 2003

On Saturday, December 13, 2003, at 02:33  PM, Jim Elmore wrote:

> I have a new PC in the office. I'd like to be able to mount a Mac 
> volume on
> the PC. The best I can do is access my home folder. Is there a way to 
> mount
> an entire volume on the PC?

The only way that I know of to do this is to edit your /etc/smb.conf 
file from the Terminal window. If you don't feel comfortable working 
with a text editor in the Terminal, I'd recommend you just stick with 
sharing your home folder. Theoretically, you could do it with a 
graphical editor, but I don't know how to tell you to navigate to the 
/etc folder. To add another share to your Mac, do the following:

Start a Terminal session.
At the prompt type "cd /etc" then hit return.
Type in "pico smb.conf" and hit return
Go to the end of the file and add lines like these (you'll need to 
substitute the appropriate values where I've noted words between < and 


	path = "<folder path>"
	browsable = yes
	read only = no
	valid users = <list of users>

The share name should ideally be one word, though two or more *might* 
work. The folder path will not be in traditional Mac notation, but in 
Unix notation. Therefore you'd insert "/Applications/Utilities" not 
"Macintosh HD:Applications:Utilities" in <folder path>. Under valid 
users you'd put a list of the users' short names you'd want to have 
access to that folder, separated by blank spaces. A complete entry 
might look like this:


	path = "/Applications/Utilities"
     browsable = yes
     read only = no
     valid users = fred dana

If you have problems with users creating or saving files, you'll have 
to experiment with the "create mask =" parameter. I don't remember off 
the top of my head what the proper bits are for various access levels.

Hope this helps.

Eric Volker
ebv1 at charter.net

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