iDVD 1.0??

zhmmy harper zhmmy at
Sun Dec 28 15:12:23 PST 2003

I think Mel is right--you already own it so you why can't you make your own 
copies or throw the original in the trash or out the window.  No, you might 
hit your neigbor :-)

My problem is that I cannot find iDVD 1.0 so I can use it with OS 9.2.1.   
Apple's weird logic is to make the iDVD 1.0.1 Upgrade available without 
providing iDVD 1.0--huh?  I own the flawed OS 10.1 and cannot find iDVD 1.0 
on it, not even on the OS 9.2.1 CD that was included.

BTW, the Apple "settlement" that is supposed to appease all of us who had 
future upgrades of all our beautiful programs guillotined offers us the 
following:  a max of $129 refund when you send them the X you bought OR a 
$25 coupon that you can use at the Apple store.
Would it be feasible to set up another branch of the Apple tree that would 
continue development of programs that would work with OS 9.xx??

Anyway, anyone know where I can find iDVD 1.0?

The "Fair Use" doctrine established by US law says that it is perfectly 
legal to back up your own media for your own use. If Rich were to sell the 
result, that would be illegal, but the basic topic is perfectly fine.
There are a number of Mac shareware and freeware products that will do the 
job, but as was mentioned earlier in the thread, none of them are one-click 
easy. Looks like a market opportunity for someone.

On Dec 26, 2003, at 8:38 PM, CJ Scaminaci wrote:

>I don't think this is an appropriate topic. Mind your copyright laws. ;-)

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