Weird graphical anomaly.

Nicolas Kinnan nasw at
Fri Feb 7 04:34:35 PST 2003


Since I use a G4, I thought I'd post a question to this group.  Ever 
since I upgraded to 10.2 (presently on 10.2.3) I have noticed a funny 
(not HA HA, but, rather HUH...) thing on my screen:  If I open 
something in a small window, the "About This Mac" window is a good 
example, and I drag it back and forth across the top half of my screen 
all goes well and smooth.  If I drag it across the bottom half of my 
screen, there is a noticeable jitteriness.  This happens with any 
window I try it with.

Does anyone else have this happen?  Does anyone know what causes it?

If I do a ziz-zag from the bottom to the top, one can see where the 
jittering stops a little past the halfway point.

My hardware specifics be:

G4/533DP, 1.12GB RAM, 30+60GB HDs, SCSI card, 32MB Radeon (original) 
display card feeding a KDS AV-195TF 19" flat Trinitron CRT monitor.

Any help would be well-liked.



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