Can you hook the G4 up to an Ethernet hub? If so, just mount the iMac's hard drive on your new G4's desktop by using Connect to Server (command-K) from the Go menu in Finder. Then just drag-and-drop from the iMac to the G4. It's not as fast as Firewire target disk mode, but you don't have to have them within Firewire cable distance either. If you don't have a hub, connect any ethernet cable between the two machines, since the G4 will auto-sense the crossover connection, then use the same procedure. Mel On Monday, February 17, 2003, at 11:19 PM, ABK wrote: > I have just purchased a new Mac G4 to add to my home network. I would > like to transfer a number of files from my imac (which is also on the > network) to the G4, particularly the many iPhoto albums that I have set > up. Is there an easy way to do this over the network? If someone can > guide me through the process, it would be much appreciated. Also, I > noticed that each of the albums that I have created may be comprised of > more than one file. Which ones do I need to copy? Thanks very much for > the help. > > > > > ---------- > G4ist, a listserv for discussion of everything G4. > FAQ at <>. > Send a message to <G4-DIGEST at> to switch to the > digest. > > XRouter | Share your DSL or cable modem between multiple computers! > Dr. Bott | Now $139.99 <> > > Dr. Bott LLC 4-port USB Hub in translucent Graphite! > Dr. Bott LLC <> > > Small Dog Electronics | Canon Digital > Cameras | > --Quicksilver & refurbished G4's arriving daily! | and Camcorders!! > | > > MacResQ Specials: LaCie SCSI CDR From $99! PowerBook 3400/200 Only > $879! > Norton AntiVirus 6 Only $19! We Stock PARTS! <> > > OS X News, Dr.Mac, Forums, Tutorials, Tips, Hints, FAQ?s - > >