{G4 the System Bus}

Daniel Brieck djbrieck at mac.com
Thu Feb 20 17:05:04 PST 2003

Something that I don't quite understand about the newer g4's  compared 
to my own is the small change in bus speeds. My computer has a single 
500 MHz processor and along with it  a 100 MHz System Bus. Thats seems 
fine and dandy on my machine from 1999-2000, but what does not make 
sense is how the new machines compare to their system bus? The new g4 
have not one but up to two processors running at about 1,420 MHz. That 
is 2.84 times faster with just  one G4 CPU's MHz counted. Include both 
chips and that is 5.68 times faster. The bus's on the high end g4's are 
@ 167 MHz a 1.67 times increase.

How can this be it does not make sense? How does all of this power get 
managed by this seemingly underpowered bus?

  Does anyone else have anything to comment about this?

Dan Brieck Jr.

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