[G4] Processor Upgrade for G4 350 mhz Yikes

Steve Talkowski stevetalkowski at mac.com
Thu Feb 20 20:30:37 PST 2003

On Thursday, February 20, 2003, at 10:17 PM, Thomas J. Lane wrote:

> Has anyone upgraded this machine's processor with a Sonnet or other 
> upgrade?

I upgraded my 450MHz Sawtooth to a 1GHz Powerlogix PowerForce G4 Series 
100 card.
Dropped in two 512MB Ram modules and a Cendyne DVR-104 2x DVD-R 
internal drive (it's a Pioneer DVR-104 drive, what Apple calls the 

I'm still using an old 32Mb Mac Radeon card (driving the first 
generation 22" Cinema Display) and the system runs OS X 10.2.4 just 


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