[G4] Firewall

Ted tlanden at mac.com
Wed Jan 8 17:54:02 PST 2003

The are different tests on the internet that will tell you where your system
is vulnerable.  Symantec has one I have used and I have used others but
cannot remember what sites they came from.  I have a router because the
Airport Base Station did not work with a VPN client I had to use.  I thought
I would be vulnerable but that is not the case.

On 1/8/03 8:04 PM, "ro shriver" <ropho at yahoo.com> wrote:

> ok, so what I am understanding from this is that if we
> have a router, there will automatically be a firewall?
> And this firewall will protect from hackers out on the
> net, as well as from that pc? :)

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