G5 TV Ad Distasteful & Disturbing

jgvp jgvp at cogeco.ca
Wed Jul 16 07:07:14 PDT 2003

That was exactly my reaction to that commercial too. I couldn't believe 
my eyes after following the camera through the destruction when it 
finally came to rest on the G5. I don't see the analogy, I regard Macs 
more in terms of constructive rather than destructive.

Incidentally, what do you think of being offered $1100Cdn for a 867Mhz 
G4 Quicksilver in a trade-in on a G5 ?

On Wednesday, July 16, 2003, at 06:50  AM, Power Macintosh G4 List 

> Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 01:13:12 -0700
> Subject: [G4] G5 TV Ad Distasteful & Disturbing
> From: Kunga <Kunga at FutureMedia.org>
> Message-Id: <57A90FC0-B765-11D7-8EB4-003065E5AA00 at FutureMedia.org>
> I'm not sure I agree with this sort of effect being a very constructive
> analogy to convey the positive power and strength of this next
> generation Mac. Quite frankly, I find it distasteful and disturbing -
> not funny. I'm very disappointed in this approach. We do not need
> computers to create more destruction than 9/11 has already rendered.
> This is a tasteless and insensitive approach to the G5 introduction. I
> think this ad should be pulled ASAP.

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