[G4] G4--prices?

tigerk tigerk at nyc.rr.com
Wed Jul 16 11:49:38 PDT 2003

on 7/16/03 5:00 AM, Kunga at Kunga at FutureMedia.org wrote:

> That would be ME who posted those warnings Paula. Your information
> about what your friend is thinking of buying is completely inadequate.
> I want to help you both but you have to give us more information.
> The rip off G4's are everything outside the new dual 1.25 GHz w/2MB L3
> cache that boot 9 for $1599. But anyone thinking of buying a new Mac
> now should be thinking of waiting for the G5 and buying the dual 2 GHz
> G5 in September or October for $2999.
> Please provide more detail about your friend's situation and why she
> wants to buy a Mac for what and how much money can she afford to spend?
> Way more detail. Send me off list if you are uncomfortable sharing with
> the whole list.
> Or send me your and/or her AIM name and we'll iChat AV about it. It's a
> very long process and this email is very inefficient.
> kunga10 (AIM)
> Totally new person asking similar question, but more to the point of 'I know
what I want it for"," Which make should I upgrade to?"

            I have a G4 Dual 450 with 80gig-total internal and 80gig LaCie
fire wire work drive. I use Pro Tools LE w/ lots of Plug in out board
effects. I have Final Cut  Pro(Original Version), 3 RTAS Virtual Synths.
Logic Platinum#4. My G4 has started to slow down. I have 1.25 in RAM that I
have installed. I need more speed and I will buy more firewire drives. I
haven't installed my OSX Jag yet 'cause Pro Tools sessions for my next album
are all on OS9.2.2..........Question for anyone who can help me. Which mac
should I buy that is a Dual G4 and L3 cache. How much can I get away with
'NOT" spending???       Please Help..I'm venturing into DV Filmaking and
want to retain my music Production.


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