[G4] G4 in a coma

sr ferenczy srf7425 at rit.edu
Wed Jul 23 03:54:17 PDT 2003

keep us updated, i would be interested to see how this story is 

good luck,

On Tuesday, July 22, 2003, at 10:36  PM, btfarmer at optonline.net wrote:

> A coworker thinks it could be a shot power supply too. The theory is 
> when it warms up, a connection goes bad somehow, and startup fails.  I 
> took precautions for static, but it may not have been good enough...
> CJ: I will try the battery trick. I was very impatient when I changed 
> the battery and pushed the button before, but I will try it for the 
> time you suggest and let you know.
> Otherwise it's off to the Apple Store Genius Bar or Tekserve again. 
> (as much as I fantasize about a new G5, it's a seriously a buch of 
> bucks, hoping I can fix it cheap)
> Thanks for help!!
> -Bruce Meyers

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