[G4] USB 2.0

Daniel Brieck djbrieck at mac.com
Tue Jul 29 16:25:49 PDT 2003

To solve the problem with the computers broken sleep mode because of 
the USB 2.0 card. Try booting into Mac os X that might just do it for 
you because of os x's different way of managing devices. If that does 
not work look for firmware upgrades to you USB 2.0 card and possible 
for you computer as well. If none of those don't work you can look for 
a more compatible card.

On Tuesday, July 29, 2003, at 04:56  PM, JAK HARVEY wrote:

> i put a USB 2 card in my g4, (3yrs old now)to use a
> lacie cd burner. the card disabled my sleep mode!
> anyone know a way around this--OS 9.2.
> i haven't tried it with OS X
> --- Ryan Fleming <ryan at randallflagg.ws> wrote:
>> Yea I got the Iomega Predator USB2 CDR drive that
>> said it supported OSX and
>> it does until I tried to burn a CD and got the
>> message this drive is not
>> supported, I was so pissed...

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