[G4] Dual 2 GHz G5 Queue At 65,000

M Hood mehood at mac.com
Wed Jul 30 12:25:29 PDT 2003

I definitely could have found a better place for that $15k for the two to
three month wait. To those who have ordered, are they charging your cards
already, or do they charge them when they ship?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom Dayton" <tdayton at belkprinting.com>
To: "Power Macintosh G4 List" <G4 at lists.themacintoshguy.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2003 3:26 PM
Subject: Re: [G4] Dual 2 GHz G5 Queue At 65,000

> Thanks for the translation. We just sent our $15,000 check to Apple for 4
> dualies. Hope our machines are not delayed too long. Can't wait to test
> bitch'n machine.

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