[G4] SCSI and Mac G5

Drew Taylor drew at drewtaylor.com
Wed Jun 25 09:02:44 PDT 2003

So are you saying I need to get a 2nd generation Sawtooth, or just go 
ahead and get the gigabit ethernet model? I don't plan on upgrading to 
dual processors any time soon after buying it, but it would be nice to 
be able to do so.


Kurt Appling wrote:
> RE; I should mention if you intend to upgrade your sawtooth,the first 
> like mine had a 2Xagp
> and that mother board will (NOT) support dual processor upgrade,I don't 
> know about the 1gig ethernet model,but I am sure most later models 
> will,the G4 chip upgrades will come down in price from now on,also 
> models of that early vintage often loose ethernet socket,if you need it 
> for cable modem,though airport will work around this and add on PCI cards.
> On Tuesday, June 24, 2003, at 08:20 AM, Dale Hoffman wrote:
>> At 5:07 PM -0400 6/23/03, Drew Taylor wrote:
>>> Speaking of which G4's, how can I differentiate among the various G4 
>>> AGP versions? I think it's a sawtooth I want, but how to make sure it 
>>> really is one?
>> Drew,
>> Get a copy of MacTracker shareware (Check Version Tracker for link). 
>> Everything that differentiates every Mac CPU since Mac Plus is clearly 
>> layed out.
>> BTW I just bought a used Sawtooth from a used Mac clearing house 
>> called Mac of All Trades. http://www.macofalltrades.com

Drew Taylor          *  Web app development & consulting
drew at drewtaylor.com  *  Site implementation & hosting
www.drewtaylor.com   *  perl/mod_perl/DBI/mysql/postgres

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